My cousin is relatively new to fishing so after agreeing to take him and his friend fishing for the afternoon we decided Wilderness was our best bet because of it being a relatively easy water. The forecast was a scorcher with temperatures in excess of 70 and not a cloud in the sky. After a quick license quick from the bailiff we made our way to the main lake and decided to fish the bay because there was ample room for all three of us.
I started the day fishing sweetcorn on the float and on the first cast was rewarded with a small Rudd, it may of only weighed 4 ounces but what it lacked in size it more than made up for with it's beautiful golden colour and bright crimson fins.
After my fifth Carp and a sun induced migraine rapidly developing I decided to reel in my rod and concentrate on helping my cousin and his friend by showing them how to tie different rigs and letting them fish my swim that I had been feeding heavily throughout the afternoon.
We fished on until 18:00 with both of them managing to land several more Carp as the day went on, I finished the day with five small Carp up to 2.5lbs, a solitary Rudd and an absolutely shocking headache.