I arrived at the lake at 08:00 to find there were already four anglers on the lake but thankfully for me the swim I had fished two days before was still free, I set up exactly as I had done previously (method feeder) and with a gentle underarm lob dropped my treble sweetcorn bait inches from the island.
I had to wait a further two hours for my next bite but this time I made no mistake and after a spirited scrap I slipped the net under a pristine 5lb Common Carp whilst two children who were fishing with their dad in the next swim looked on.
With the predicted afternoon showers increasing and bites few and far between I decided to call it a day at 16:00 and made the short walk back to the car park. A quick natter to a few anglers on the way confirmed what I suspected that the lake wasn't fishing well as most had blanked or managed just a couple of fish.
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